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Small Targets, Big Risks: Defending Your Small Business from Cybercriminals

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Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, but they also face a growing threat from cybercriminals. As hackers increasingly target these vulnerable enterprises, small business owners must use the right small business IT solution to increase safety.

What’s a Small Business?

Small businesses come in all shapes and sizes, but they share some common characteristics. Typically, they have fewer than 500 employees and annual revenues below $100 million. These enterprises are often sole proprietorships, partnerships, or privately held corporations with a limited market share compared to their larger competitors.

One thing is sure: small businesses are crucial to the economy. They account for two out of three jobs in the U.S. and help build thriving local communities.

Unfortunately, small businesses are more vulnerable to economic shocks, inflation, or cyber threats. As a result, risk management should be a priority.

Cybersecurity Challenges for Small Businesses

Small businesses are prime targets for cybercriminals due to their limited resources and weaker cybersecurity measures. In fact, it’s estimated that 50% of small businesses will experience a cyberattack in 2024. The consequences can be devastating, with up to 60% of small businesses closing within six months of a data breach.

Hackers often target small businesses because they possess valuable data, such as customer information, financial records, and intellectual property. Additionally, small companies are more likely to pay ransomware demands since they don’t have access to the necessary backup solution to restore their systems.

The Solution: Managed IT Services

As a small business owner, you need a cybersecurity solution that can protect you from attacks while remaining affordable. That’s where managed IT services come in.

With the help of a managed service provider (MSP), you can access enterprise-level security, 24/7 monitoring, and expert support, all for a predictable monthly fee.

Besides, managed IT services can cater to your unique needs. IT small business support specialists can offer flexible solutions that address challenges like compliance, changing market conditions, or upgrading legacy systems. When it comes to cybersecurity, MSPs can review your organization’s unique risks and develop a customized action plan.

Discover Small Business IT With SecureTech

Cybersecurity should be a priority for small businesses. By embracing managed IT services, small business owners can protect their livelihoods, safeguard their customers’ data, and focus on growth.

As a San Antonio MSP, SecureTech specializes in keeping small and medium businesses safe. Thanks to our comprehensive security services, scalable solutions, regulatory compliance assistance, and dedicated customer support, we make advanced cybersecurity capabilities available to everyone—all without the need for large upfront investments or in-house IT expertise.