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Mobile Device Management: MDM Services for Your Business

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

With 9 out of 10 Americans owning a smartphone, it’s no surprise that mobile device usage has become so popular in the workplace. In addition to personal use, mobile devices—including smartphones, tablets, and laptops—also serve a variety of professional needs. But without proper mobile device management (MDM), your business remains at high risk from multiple threats. You can mitigate these risks to your business’s security, privacy, and integrity with MDM services.

While MDM is often bundled as a part of your company’s cybersecurity services, you can also obtain it as a standalone solution. Here’s an overview of MDM solutions to help you learn more about this vital safeguard for your business.

What Are MDM Services?

Mobile device management services encompass multiple ways to protect your business’s and employees’ mobile devices. These methods include installing cybersecurity software, monitoring device connections, and tracking device location in case of theft.

In turn, MDM helps you protect your business by securing its data, such as customer information and trade secrets. Additionally, MDM solutions can protect against viruses, malware, and spyware that put your business and employees at risk.

Why Are Mobile Management Services Important?

MDM services have become important in the modern business landscape due to the increased use of mobile devices in professional settings. Employees use mobile devices not only to connect with one another but also to exchange data and share sensitive information.

This makes company-issued and personal mobile devices just as integral to your business as computers and network equipment. However, they are also just as vulnerable to threats that could compromise your business’s safety and reputation. These risks include but are not limited to data breaches, viruses, malware, spyware, and device theft.

You can confidently deploy specific solutions to protect your business and employees from these risks with mobile device management services. As a result, these solutions have become essential to companies of all sizes.

What Do MDM Services Include?

MDM solutions are highly personalized according to your business’s needs. While some businesses deploy them only on company-issued devices, others enroll employees’ personal devices in the program as well. The latter approach is often beneficial because it delivers an additional safety layer to your business and its network.

Typically, MDM services include cybersecurity applications, password-protected access to company data, and GPS tracking. In some cases, you may also use other applications, such as a virtual private network (VPN), for secure connections.

To get the most out of this approach, it’s essential to have these solutions personalized according to your needs. You can set up these services through your internal IT department or a managed IT services provider.

Contact SecureTech Today For Personalized MDM Solutions

At SecureTech, we deliver personalized MDM solutions to businesses of all sizes. With the expertise of our IT consulting team, you can rest assured that your organization meets all its safety needs.

To learn more about our MDM solutions, contact SecureTech for a detailed discussion today.